“The film cements the duo from Brussels as a force to be reckoned with in the black comedic space… How the Guit Brothers portray [Armande] is a breath of fresh air.”
— Cinapse
"Heads or Fails isn’t likely to be as incendiary as their debut, but that makes it the much better film… Very heartfelt and hilarious.”
“Masterfully absurd. Maria Cavalier-Bazan is undeniably charming as Armande... [she] effortlessly carries Heads or Fails.”
“What a strange but amusing film… Kudos to the writer/directors and the actress for making such a watchable movie about such an unlikeable character.”
“A very well made movie... has a sense of humor about itself. A good sense of style and very competent filmmaking."
"My favorite movie that I've watched this Fantastic Fest. Extremely goofy, surreal… really funny."
Belgium, France - Comedy - 86 mins - 2024
Armande Pigeon is the queen of shenanigans. In Brussels, she struggles to make ends meet because she can’t stop gambling on everything, always ending up on the wrong side of luck. When she teams up with Ronnie one night, everything changes – they win it all. And when you hit a winning streak, you have to know when to stop.
irected by Lenny and Harpo Guit | Produced by Roue Libre Production, Fair Play Production, and Clubb Guitos
International Sales: Best Friend Forever
Official Selections: Fantastic Fest 2024, Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur 2024, Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux 2024